When Conflicts Just Keep Coming

When Conflicts Just Keep Coming

Three key ways to deal with the onslaught. This stuff is cumulative. It adds up. Let me tell you. I have been through a lot in these last two years and I am feeling it. The worst two years of my life and I have had some rough ones. Some things have been really hard...
A Preventative Tool For A Day In Your Life

A Preventative Tool For A Day In Your Life

If not every day Today’s talk is simple. I need it to be so that you might be convinced to give this a try. For your next conflict situation, I want you to remember something. That’s right, I want you to say to yourself, Lynne wants me to remember something. What is...
What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

The source of your need to express your discontent   Not that long ago, I asked the participants of our On The Matter of Race groups what they were expecting when they signed up to be a part of their first six-month journey. They had a lot of interesting reasons,...
The Blessings In The Lessons

The Blessings In The Lessons

Summing up the Summit   In 1975, I was 17 years old and living with my parents and my older sister in the Bronx. I rode the city bus to and from school and one day, when I was about a mile away from home, I noticed that the bus driver did not open the doors when...
This Is Who I Am

This Is Who I Am

I hope you are here for it. The On The Matter of Race Summit. The time has come!   “You talk a lot about race. Why don’t you talk more about regular conflicts?” “You need to give this a rest.” These are some comments I’ve gotten recently in response to my...