We Need You Now, More Than Ever

We Need You Now, More Than Ever

Why you shouldn’t turn away now   I am sure you know that DEI is taking major hits from so many places and institutions and organizations are really feeling it. Yet, many of us are continuing to honor our commitment to do the hard work! I am sure you, like most...
The Business of Conflict Is Personal

The Business of Conflict Is Personal

During the course of thirty-plus years, I have traveled the world helping leaders in many different arenas. One thing I learned from the multitude of diversity out there is that, when it comes to really leading people, most leaders are faking it, including the ones...
When It’s Still Not Resolved

When It’s Still Not Resolved

One powerful thing you can do   One of my clients has been dealing with a draining conflict at work. She is part of a team and one member of the team creates conflict. When not under pressure or displeased, she is a high producer and a very giving and nice...
Talking to the Parents/Caregivers Now

Talking to the Parents/Caregivers Now

Leaders, there are some lessons here for you too.   Parenting is not a science even with all of the advice, books, workshops, guides, and formulas we are often figuring it out as we go. Whether we know what we are doing or not there are many things happening...
Need a New Approach to Conflict?

Need a New Approach to Conflict?

It’s all about the Con   We all know that the word Conflict alone projects negativity for the majority of us, especially as leaders and parents. Even though we know that conflict managed well can be productive, healthy and even transformational. Nobody, and...