The Body Speaks – Are You Listening?

The Body Speaks – Are You Listening?

I wasn’t.   Her body language said so much. I could see the discomfort long before it was her turn to speak. Twisting uncomfortably in her chair, a frown appearing, disappearing and reappearing. I had the feeling that her palms were sweaty, eyes looking down a...
Delivering a Clear, Honest Message

Delivering a Clear, Honest Message

Even when you don’t want to.   In observing Juneteenth here in the USA, I reflected on a few things that led me to think about the way most of us communicate. If we can prolong a difficult message, we will, especially if it means admitting our own fault. You all...
On The Matter of Race

On The Matter of Race

It’s time you considered it for yourself or someone you know.   There are not enough words to express what facilitating these journeys have meant to me and my family. When George Floyd was murdered, my oldest son, Jabari called me clearly hurt and confused. He...