Why We Can’t Wait

Why We Can’t Wait

This is for all of us.   Are You Paying Attention? Have things gone far enough for you to finally act on your good intentions? If not now, then when????? It’s time to drop this again. Hopefully, now you are ready. In 2019, I was working with a group of...
Talking to the Parents/Caregivers Now

Talking to the Parents/Caregivers Now

Leaders, there are some lessons here for you too.   Parenting is not a science even with all of the advice, books, workshops, guides, and formulas we are often figuring it out as we go. Whether we know what we are doing or not there are many things happening...
It’s 2024! Time to Revisit My 21 Ways

It’s 2024! Time to Revisit My 21 Ways

Time to Revisit My 21 Ways to Make a Difference In The World When It Comes to Conflict It’s a new year! Let’s see how many you can try from the list below. I challenge each of us to do at least 4 things this week. So, here we go again: Encourage somebody...
A Sandwich I Had No Idea I Was Making

A Sandwich I Had No Idea I Was Making

A return to the conflict of the sandwich generation I had to bring this back because in the last week, I have had three people share that they are struggling with this and I know so many others are trying their best to manage this as well. It’s the day before we...
The Power of Silence

The Power of Silence

Shhhh… you can make this work for you.   I have been working with two powerful techniques lately and I have to say ya’ll, they have been working for me!!! I am a talker. Growing up, I received lots of feedback about that in all forms, comments, criticism,...
When It Comes to Conflict – Be Like Water

When It Comes to Conflict – Be Like Water

“Be like water. Adjust to the object and you will find your way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Be like water, my friend.”  – Bruce Lee I am a HUGE Bruce Lee fan, but when I first read this 25...