Do Something For Me Today
Say something to someone who looks like they need a kind word. Pull back and pause in that situation that made you so mad at someone that you just had to say something. And then let it go. Call them. You know who I am talking about. Catch yourself judging someone else...

Have You Made The Choice To Take Unnecessary Stress Off The Table? Here’s What I Did.
”I’m impatient.” Remember that statement from last week’s blog? But was I really? I mean was that just a part of who I arrived here to be or did I absorb it from the woman who lettered in it, my mom, who quite probably learned it from the woman who mastered it, her...

At Home and At Work: One Person’s Stress IS Another Person’s Stress
I have learned a lot about patience from my youngest son much more out of necessity than desire. Until this became a mandatory assignment for my need to parent him in a way that would help him love himself, I embraced, loved and committed myself to my impatience. I...

Grudges – Our Toxic Waste. Time To Let It Go.
Our grudges are getting in the way of our peace. I shared this last week. If you are ready to explore yours, then here’s a first step and two more to begin to let it go. Ask yourself, “Where else is this showing up in my life?” Start there and do an honest assessment....

Holding a Grudge Is Getting In the Way of Lasting Peace
Remember that conflict you were involved in and got really hurt, disappointed, angry, betrayed, fill in the blank? Of course you remember. You’ve never really let it go. How do I know? Because it keeps showing up. Not in the actual person, but in every reminder hidden...