Covid: 19 Ways to Address Inner Conflict During These Times
I’m asking you to chose one… or two. I was talking with a friend about my concerns around depression seeping into my life during these restricting times of Covid19. I am particularly on alert since I am back in NYC and winter is looming. Aware of the number of people...

What I Know About Unresolved Conflict and What We Must Do About It
Have you ever been involved in a conflict, thought it was resolved, and then sometime shortly after you had that thought, it just blew up in your face? We all have, and from my observations, we all are about to be. Since Joe Biden was pronounced the winner of our...

The Country Has Spoken. How Do We Start Listening?
When I say the country has spoken, I bet you think I am talking about the election. Oh, but I am not. If we learned anything from a history not taught, but carefully doled out and reinforced, and then piece-mealed into neat little months of the history of “the other,”...

Real Life Conflict Has Become More Television Than Reality Television. We Need a National Conversation.
I have sons under the age of 30 and a part of their world is watching videos uploaded to social media sites. More and more, these videos are of real life conflicts that have captured the attention of tweens, teens and adults all over the globe. With the ushering in of...

Since Mind Reading Is Not An Option. What Are We To Think?
Imagine this if you will. Your child has been bullied at school for the last four years. Although it started out less overtly, in the last two years it has escalated. You have brought it to the attention of the school and asked them to address it and they have made a...