Parental Power Is an Easy Card to Play

Parental Power Is an Easy Card to Play

Our children need us to make a better choice.   When we find ourselves with the challenge of handling situations with our children that are pretty much designed to push our buttons or at least we think they are designed to, pulling the parental power card is a...

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On The Matter of Race

On The Matter of Race

It’s time you considered it for yourself or someone you know.   There are not enough words to express what facilitating these journeys have meant to me and my family. When George Floyd was murdered, my oldest son, Jabari called me clearly hurt and confused. He...

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Worry Never Felt As Right As It Does Now

Worry Never Felt As Right As It Does Now

We are spending so much time worrying these days.   I’m not saying that we weren’t already champions at it, but now it is our national pastime. Why does it feel so right? I really had to spend some time with worry and seek out and think about the ways in which it...

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Five Ways to Begin to Be Free   Today is a rough day for me. I am sitting with my feelings after an extremely difficult conversation, one where some deep-seated resentment on the part of the other person reared its head. I am talking that long simmering, finally...

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