I Need To Have a Conversation With Somebody Close

I Need To Have a Conversation With Somebody Close

And I’m Struggling…   I’m mad at someone that I call family—and I’ve been mad for a long time. And really, what’s underneath is that I recognize it as hurt, disappointment, and confusion. But I don’t know what to do about it. Can you believe that The Conflict...
What’s It All About? Who Knows? You Do!

What’s It All About? Who Knows? You Do!

Oh my goodness ya’ll.   With so many people questioning themselves, their usefulness, their time and their thoughts, I just had to bring this one back. What is it all about for you? If you don’t understand where you fit within a world of absolute...
National Words Matter Week

National Words Matter Week

Hell yeah they do!   We have been cooking up something for months now and I am dropping it just in time for National Words Matter Week. If you are paying attention at all, then you already know the impact of words, yours, mine and everyone else’s....
I’m Tired! You Tired?

I’m Tired! You Tired?

Time for some lessons from Harriet Tubman   Wooh, there is a lot to do and a whole lot to keep up with and I am finding myself more and more tired these days. But I know that what I bring to the world needs to keep coming, which means I must keep giving. I am...