I’m Trying Something New

I’m Trying Something New

You’re welcome to give it a shot.   Recently, I contacted a friend to tell them about an internal experience I had. I knew that they were concerned about me and I just wanted to share what I was going through. Immediately after I shared, they started asking...
I Need You To Do Something This Week

I Need You To Do Something This Week

Check-in with someone and just listen.   I’m concerned about us. I’m concerned about ya’ll. Today, I checked in on five people who were able to bring themselves to say, ‘I am struggling with my mental health right now.’ I am grateful that they know that I don’t...
It’s 2024! Time to Revisit My 21 Ways

It’s 2024! Time to Revisit My 21 Ways

Time to Revisit My 21 Ways to Make a Difference In The World When It Comes to Conflict It’s a new year! Let’s see how many you can try from the list below. I challenge each of us to do at least 4 things this week. So, here we go again: Encourage somebody...
A Sandwich I Had No Idea I Was Making

A Sandwich I Had No Idea I Was Making

A return to the conflict of the sandwich generation I had to bring this back because in the last week, I have had three people share that they are struggling with this and I know so many others are trying their best to manage this as well. It’s the day before we...