by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | Jun 12, 2024
How are YOU handling it??? Yeah well, last night I almost lost it. That’s right. It took everything in me not to run outside and scream at the top of my lungs for hours. The stress of the times we are living in started to get to me and I immediately began to...
by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | May 22, 2024
You’re welcome to give it a shot. Recently, I contacted a friend to tell them about an internal experience I had. I knew that they were concerned about me and I just wanted to share what I was going through. Immediately after I shared, they started asking...
by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | May 8, 2024
The Conflict of Anxiety We are on my mind constantly. How are we managing our mental health? From what I’m seeing, we’re all anxious. From what I know, millions of us are living with or suffering from anxiety, and from what I can tell, most of us are not...
by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | Jan 31, 2024
Check-in with someone and just listen. I’m concerned about us. I’m concerned about ya’ll. Today, I checked in on five people who were able to bring themselves to say, ‘I am struggling with my mental health right now.’ I am grateful that they know that I don’t...
by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | Jan 10, 2024
Time to Revisit My 21 Ways to Make a Difference In The World When It Comes to Conflict It’s a new year! Let’s see how many you can try from the list below. I challenge each of us to do at least 4 things this week. So, here we go again: Encourage somebody...
by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | Nov 30, 2023
A return to the conflict of the sandwich generation I had to bring this back because in the last week, I have had three people share that they are struggling with this and I know so many others are trying their best to manage this as well. It’s the day before we...