Black History Is American History

Black History Is American History

And Black History Month Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere!!!   THAT’S IT! THAT’S ALL! ENOUGH SAID! If you need to be convinced… well then you simply don’t know anything about: History Medicine Politics Agriculture Inventions Culture Education Business Science Social Work Real...
So Many Questions

So Many Questions

Finding our own answers   Five years ago, I had no idea that the answer to a question that I quickly and vehemently responded “NO” to would lead to this. Two women who knew nothing about systemic racism but were for the first time in their lives, involved in...
The Conflict of Accountability and Healing

The Conflict of Accountability and Healing

You’ve got to be ready to own something. There is a common thread that I have seen in conflict and that is the pushing past of the necessary steps for healing. I have seen many people who upon discovering that they were in the wrong, move quickly toward wanting things...
We Ain’t Ready!

We Ain’t Ready!

Yes I’m Talking To You.   Is the country ready? Are you? I keep hearing this question. Is the country ready for a Black/African American/ Indian woman President? Don’t kid yourself. Stop fooling around folks! No we aren’t ready whether it becomes a...
Why We Can’t Wait

Why We Can’t Wait

This is for all of us. Are You Paying Attention? Have things gone far enough for you to finally act on your good intentions? If not now, then when????? It’s time to drop this again. Hopefully, now you are ready. In 2019, I was working with a group of parents...