When It Comes to Conflict – Be Like Water

When It Comes to Conflict – Be Like Water

“Be like water. Adjust to the object and you will find your way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Be like water, my friend.”  – Bruce Lee I am a HUGE Bruce Lee fan, but when I first read this 25...
Confronting Your Cultural Gatekeepers

Confronting Your Cultural Gatekeepers

Now more than ever   I am reflecting on the very raw and vulnerable essay I contributed to the new book, The Difference called How Breaking Culture Freed My Soul. Changing culture is no easy feat. Just mention the word culture and it stirs up images, sounds,...
How To Have Healing Conversations

How To Have Healing Conversations

Are We Still Arguing About This??   Lord knows this was the familiar refrain at my family get-togethers for decades! That’s right, decades. “You two are still arguing about this?” By the time we reach our thirties and beyond, we’ve engaged in lots of conflicts,...
I Think It’s You

I Think It’s You

I know it’s time.   Everyone may not know this about me, but I am a very intuitive person and often get these “hits.” I have one about our On The Matter of Race Level 1 group. Are you the one who has been putting off signing up to do your...
My Life Depends On This!

My Life Depends On This!

And so does yours.   I gotta be real with ya’ll. There is so much wrong with our world today. There is plenty of work to be done and in every place that we are messing up, racism is at the foundation. For some of you, that statement is just too unbelievable. But...
I Have to Push This With Ya’ll

I Have to Push This With Ya’ll

We have got to make the difficult conversations the every day ones   So let’s start with racism. There are so many tragedies and wrongs going on that you may not know where to turn. Well, I do. Whether you want to believe it or not, at the bottom of the...