by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | Jul 31, 2024
Having the necessary conversations Does anyone know how to have a conversation these days? No, I am serious. I am not trying to hurt feelings or chastise folks but in case you haven’t noticed, things are bad. I mean really bad, even among friends and family. I...
by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | Jul 24, 2024
WOW! In just one week, so much has happened, not just in the US but in the world. But if we are sticking with the United States, mind-blowing stuff happened in this election process and I don’t think that there is a real understanding of where we are in terms of...
by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | Jul 17, 2024
This is for all of us. Are You Paying Attention? Have things gone far enough for you to finally act on your good intentions? If not now, then when????? It’s time to drop this again. Hopefully, now you are ready. In 2019, I was working with a group of parents...
by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | Jul 10, 2024
Consider these things to get closer to conflict. What am I suggesting that you do??? “At this point in history, there is really no escaping conflict anymore. Yes, most of us are avoiders, but we are running out of ways to avoid confronting conflict...
by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | Jul 3, 2024
In a world of celebrity envy, prosperity gospels, “make all your dreams come true in six months” webinars, “21 days to your best body EVER” and endless fast-fixes to the complex, multi-faceted problems that cause inner conflict in our lives,...