Deliver a Sincere Apology in 3 Critical Steps
“I can have a short fuse at times … I can’t believe I actually went off like that… I might be right about what I felt, but I should have taken a half hour to think about it first.” - Dan Gilbert, Cleveland Cavaliers Owner I love this story. In an interview with...

Top 4 Take-Aways From My Interview with Emmy Award Winning Producer LeGrande Green
1. Doing our inner work and checking our mindset around conflict answers the question, "Why am I thinking about this person and this conflict in this way?" 2. When you respond, you gain power and the ability to say what needs to be said in a way in which...

7 Twisted Ways to Apologize
A recent Time Magazine cover revealed the newest hit in the business world, something called IQ or personality assessment tests. Apparently they are all the rage with HR departments for hiring, rating, evaluating and promoting. For example, they ask questions like......
Apologies Are Important
Over a decade ago, I was sitting in McDonald's (yes McDonald's... hey I was tired, no judging) with my six year old son and seven year old niece after a long and wonderful day in Philadelphia. I was watching the time as they laughed and gleefully discussed the...
What’s a Parent Supposed To Do?
By now I am certain many people have heard about and perhaps seen the video of Baltimore mom, Toya Graham using any means necessary to keep her 15 year old son from throwing rocks at police officers during the Baltimore protests...