A Tale of Two Triggers
Here’s an unhappy incident. Just recently, I was in a Dominican Restaurant and I ordered some chicken soup for my son who was sick at home. Their soup is wonderful with huge pieces of chicken, large chunks of potatoes, sliced carrots, onions, and a spicy, flavorful...

It’s Time to Face Your Fear of Conflict
Okay, time to do an honest account of what you think of conflict. Take a few seconds to think about conflict and the images, feelings and physical reactions it conjures up for you. Are you honest enough to admit to yourself that among the many things that come up for...

Conflict is Here to Teach You All the Things You Need to Know But are Too Afraid to Learn About
I spent the early part of 1994 watching my mom waste away and suffer from what was later discovered as the return of breast cancer. By July, she was unexpectedly and unbearably gone. BAM! And I was hit from behind. The chance to experience what so many parents...

The Conflict Closer’s Big Leadership Mistake
Early in my career I led a Kick-Ass, High-Functioning, Happy AF team. I made many mistakes while working with them and frankly it did not feel good. I wanted to prove myself and spent a lot of time having to push past ego and tough feelings in order to reach for my...

Being Mindful May Be Popular But What Most of Us Are Doing is Mind Full Parenting
“The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.” Steve Furtick No matter how well we think we are doing as a parent, in our minds someone else is always doing it better. And if we think that we...