We Ain’t Ready!

We Ain’t Ready!

Yes I’m Talking To You.   Is the country ready? Are you? I keep hearing this question. Is the country ready for a Black/African American/ Indian woman President? Don't kid yourself. Stop fooling around folks! No we aren't ready whether it becomes a reality or...

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Handling Inner Conflict

Handling Inner Conflict

In 1, 2, 3 Steps...   Some years ago, I finished an exhilarating and life-giving branding challenge. I poured my heart into the assignments, finding new ways to express the why and how of living my purpose and giving voice to the mission of the work that I do in...

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Responding From the Inside Out

Responding From the Inside Out

Mind, Body and Soul   There are a lot of things that leaders are expected to handle. With the heightened anxiety that all of us are feeling, new challenges greet you, but many of you are still struggling with the same conflicts. If you are going to get through...

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