How Do We Create a Safe Space for Making Mistakes?
Nobody wants to answer that, we’re too afraid we’ll make a mistake. Mistakes happen, actually they don’t just happen, we make them. And what happens when we make them? If we’re honest, not good things. We are a society that does not tolerate mistakes. Think...

Where Are They Now? The Conflict of Wanting Peace Without Accountability
My work is hard on my heart a lot of the time especially when racism is the topic, but throw in motherhood and there is a special ache. This weekend, I saw a picture of Ruby Bridges and her mom with this narrative attached: UNSUNG MAMA HERO: November 1960 - Ruby...

Why We Need to Talk About Caring In the Workplace
Who really gives a damn? It happened again. I know that I have shared before that whenever I call customer service for anything, when the person answers I will always ask, “How are you doing today?” It is often met with a myriad of different responses. This past week,...

It’s Not Letting Up! Three Strategies That Can Help You Gain Inner Peace
It’s not letting up! I mean the mental and emotional duress. The strain of all the issues illuminated during this past year is building within us and loneliness, fear, doubt and depression are all competing for space in our minds. Our regular fixes of celebrity envy,...

What’s Love Got To Do With It? When Conflict Goes Unresolved.
There’s an expression that I often hear people use, “love conquers all” and yet those of us who feel like we have been giving out love don’t always feel like we are conquering all. I mean, all of the big societal problems still exist. Racism, sexism, ableism,...