Yes I’m Talking To You.

Is the country ready?
Are you?

I keep hearing this question. Is the country ready for a Black/African American/ Indian woman President?

Don’t kid yourself. Stop fooling around folks! No we aren’t ready whether it becomes a reality or not. We weren’t ready for Obama and so many people rejoiced because he got elected and they actually had the nerve to think that we were in a post racial period of time. We were not and we are not now either.

If you think that you can separate yourself from the folks who aren’t celebrating this particular campaign you cannot. We are a nation. We are a country. Therefore, what affects one affects all whether you are for this candidate or not. Whether you are for the folks who are calling for a civil war should their candidate not be elected… it doesn’t matter.

If you are part of this country, you gotta be ready folks and we are not ready. There is some serious work to do! There are some very hard conversations that need to be had that are not being had, in fact they’re being hidden. Folks are running from having the difficult and necessary conversations with their family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and those who push our buttons.

We don’t handle conflict well; we’ve not come very far in that, in fact I would say we’ve digressed.

So, in all of your jubilance are you considering the conversations that need to be had now not later? Not after, but now? Are you considering those conversations folks and then are you having those conversations? Because you see, they’re necessary if we’re ever going to move forward to this dream of being a post racial society… not my dream but I keep hearing about it. Or to this dream of dismantling racism, well… that’s my dream for sure, but that’s going to take a very long time.

It starts with the necessary conversations. So, please don’t rejoice should what you are hoping for happens, like you rejoiced when Derek Chauvin was convicted and you felt that this was proof that racism was going to end. Or you felt that it fixed George Floyd’s disgusting and horrific murder. No it did not, and neither will this, but we the people who have to live with our neighbors, dine with our family and friends, work with our coworkers and bosses, we the people on the ground can move us toward this goal.

Are you ready? Do you have the necessary tools? Are you courageous enough to admit that you don’t and start to seek them? I’m here. I’m ready to help. What are you willing to do?

In Love,
Dr. Lynne

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