Get out your toolkit.
You voted you didn’t vote, you never vote, you’re watching from afar, you are over it!?
Change is coming quickly and if you don’t get too caught up in the flurry of activity and the noise of shock and awe, you won’t miss it when things really start to change. That’s right!
Oh, you’re going to need to talk … You are going to need to have many courageous conversations before change comes and it is coming quickly.
You want to start off right. Finding where you can work your way in is like trying to jump into double-dutch ropes. It takes some know-how, determination and just trusting the process to get in there. Same thing with courageous conversations. Start off by asking yourself these questions.
Who do I need to talk to?
Why do I need to talk with them?
What am I hoping is going to happen?
That’s just the warm up.
Do you have your listening skills ready? You find out more when you invest in listening upfront.
Do you know your hot buttons? What gets you to react rather than respond? Be prepared for buttons to get pushed.
Have you built in time to breathe, before, during, and after this conversation?
There is no better time than right now to make sure that you are equipped to have the necessary conversations that are coming up for all of us who want to see relationships get stronger, communities united, children safer and happier, justice, real, lasting friendships, and a better country and world.
It’s time to take out your conflict resolution toolkit and do an assessment of your skills. Honestly, you can never have too many top-notch communication skills especially during times like these when people are communicating violently far too often.
If you think you are ready, then get out there and get started.
If you need more work, then set up time to work with me here.
We have something new coming that will help you get and stay on top of your conflict resolution skills every day.
Stay tuned.
In Love
Dr. Lynne