Legitimate Anger? I Have Questions

Legitimate Anger? I Have Questions

Any group that has had hate pitted against them in the form of words, laws, policies, violence, and injustice has experienced anger and even rage. There is that feeling that surges inside of you so strong and deep that you can’t ignore it, but you are almost afraid of...
I’m Trying Something New

I’m Trying Something New

You’re welcome to give it a shot.   Recently, I contacted a friend to tell them about an internal experience I had. I knew that they were concerned about me and I just wanted to share what I was going through. Immediately after I shared, they started asking...
When It’s Still Not Resolved

When It’s Still Not Resolved

One powerful thing you can do   One of my clients has been dealing with a draining conflict at work. She is part of a team and one member of the team creates conflict. When not under pressure or displeased, she is a high producer and a very giving and nice...