by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | May 14, 2019
I thought it might be good to bring this one back right after Mother’s Day. Lots of people, daughters in particular, have approached me in those days leading up to Mother’s Day to ask for advice on how to stay calm on Mother’s Day. They are aware that in the midst of...
by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | Apr 30, 2019
Let’s get honest about why you don’t want to work on the conflicts in your life. I have been doing a lot of intense listening in these last three years. It is my response to the extreme discord in this country, the conflicts that have shown up in my personal life and...
by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | Apr 23, 2019
Several months ago I was sitting in my car and observed a young man who looked to be in his early twenties getting ready to walk into an apartment building across the street from me to deliver newspapers. The look on his face was intense and serious and I wondered...
by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | Apr 9, 2019
Here’s what I know to be true. When it comes to resolving conflict, the last thing we think about is taking care of ourselves in the process. We spend a lot of time thinking about the other person and the things they do that annoy or trigger us. We spend time...
by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | Mar 26, 2019
This blog article is the last in this series and I hope you have been reading them and doing your own work right alongside of me. Last time, we were learning the basics of reconstruction. So, quick review before I jump in with my story. To reconstruct, we have to...
by Dr. Lynne Maureen Hurdle | Mar 5, 2019
Anything that makes us feel as uncomfortable as conflict makes most of us feel needs to be examined fully and challenged. Yes, I said that two blogs ago and it really is true though counter to our first inclination. If you are like me, your first inclination is to...