I Need You To Do Something This Week
Check-in with someone and just listen. I’m concerned about us. I’m concerned about ya’ll. Today, I checked in on five people who were able to bring themselves to say, ‘I am struggling with my mental health right now.’ I am grateful that they know that I don’t...

It’s 2024! Time to Revisit My 21 Ways
Time to Revisit My 21 Ways to Make a Difference In The World When It Comes to Conflict It's a new year! Let's see how many you can try from the list below. I challenge each of us to do at least 4 things this week. So, here we go again: Encourage somebody today,...

It’s the High Conflict Season
The 12 Days of Conflict 2023 It’s that time of year! We are all dealing with so many mixed emotions right now and conflicts and conversations are heating up. This is why I take this time to share some really useful tools and techniques to get us through and to...

Conflict Is All About Making Mistakes Before, During And After
We Need to Approach It With a New Vision The truth is, it’s not that you are a failure when it comes to engaging in conflict or even that the techniques are faulty. It is that in this fast food, instant results society, we do not give ourselves the time or the...

A Sandwich I Had No Idea I Was Making
A return to the conflict of the sandwich generation I had to bring this back because in the last week, I have had three people share that they are struggling with this and I know so many others are trying their best to manage this as well. It’s the day before we...