I’m Friends With Donald Trump… Sort of
Yes, Donald Trump. That’s not a typo or an attention-grabbing title. I guess it is attention-grabbing, but it is also true. I discovered it a couple of months ago, not through or some secret letter hidden away in my parent’s belongings or through some...

4 Resolutions for 2016 from a Conflict Resolution Strategist
I no longer make resolutions. I help other people with their Conflict Resolutions. As a woman who has spent the predominance of her life caught up in the endless cycle of dieting and body shaming, I spent way too many new years making resolutions and then breaking...

3 Tips For Relieving Stress on Thanksgiving
The country is in a total state of conflict these days. Student uprisings, governors voting to ban the arrival of Syrian and Iraqi refugees in their states, Missouri and Minneapolis rising up and so much more. Well, at least the Kardashians got knocked off the front...

Communication – A Lost Art?
In this last week, I have had three separate experiences regarding the art of communication. The first was a parent meeting at my youngest son’s school. A spirited discussion on the problems and opportunities technology presents for our children in the realm of...

3 Life-Giving Strategies for Addressing Inner Conflict
A week ago I finished an exhilarating and life-giving branding challenge. I poured my heart in to the assignments, finding new ways to express the why and how of living my purpose and giving voice to the mission of the work that I do in the world. I willingly...