5 Things to Never Do If You Want Your Mother to Listen to You
In a recent parenting workshop I facilitated, we had a lively discussion about having courageous conversations with our children about the things they do that we do not like. One of my parents burst out with, “but what if it’s your mother?” The whole room laughed and...

Katt Williams Sucker Punch: He Shoulda Had The SMACK Down
The latest episode in the Katt Williams saga is a video tape showing him sucker-punching a teenager and the teenager reacting by wrestling him to the ground and putting him in a chokehold. Since TMZ first promoted the story, there have been longer video versions, an...

Inner Conflict 3 Ways To Resolve It
“You’re a conflict resolution specialist. I know you help people resolve conflicts with other people but what do I do if the conflict is inside me?” This was the desperate message I received from a friend in the midst of a genuine struggle with himself and lifelong...

The Monster Mom: It’s Happening to All of Us
The recent "Monster Mom" Twitter controversy about the actress, Cherlize Theron showed the world a situation that quite frankly anyone who is a parent has had with their children. She needed her four year old to do something and he refused to listen. There were a...

Racism and Those Three Fatal Words
“I’m going to speak my mind. If they have the right to tell me all the things I’m doing wrong then I have the right to do the same to them!” Long pause from me. Certainly, any of us who are raising and/or regularly interacting with teenagers have heard...