The Conflict of Leadership and Learning Differences
In the past few months, I have been doing some research around learning disabilities. More and more children are being diagnosed with autism, and schools are having to learn about it and make the right accommodations for serving children with autism. There is a list...

Kanye and TMZ: 3 Lessons About Conflict that Most People Missed
As popular as they are in pop culture, not everyone has heard about Kanye West and his most recent visit to TMZ. If you don’t know either Kanye or TMZ, it might be helpful to do a Google search because both are influential to our youth and young adults. Kanye West has...

Safety Pinned and We Still Don’t Matter
The recent disgraceful incident at Starbucks in Philadelphia prompted me to revisit an article I wrote for Psychology Today last year. It was during the time of the Safety Pins Movement and people were upset that many People of Color were simply not feeling it. I...

What’s Missing Today In Leadership Is Executing Excellence: Four Tips for Achieving It
Every time we turn around these days there’s some new guru, movie star, or government official being declared as our new models of leadership. Whether it is for their brash “take no prisoners” attitude or their millions of followers and dollars, leaders are being held...

The Cost of Hidden Conflict – Four Ways to Come Out of Hiding
One of the most settling and bonding moments in the workshops that I run for leaders is when the stories get told. The stories that reveal the times of being triggered and acting poorly or the endless arguments, dissension and lack of ability to face conflict and...