It’s Reconstructing Me Time
This blog article is the last in this series and I hope you have been reading them and doing your own work right alongside of me. Last time, we were learning the basics of reconstruction. So, quick review before I jump in with my story. To reconstruct, we have to...

Reconstructing The Construct: Let’s Rebuild Together
In my initial blog on conflict as a construct, I shared this statement. Reconstruction is possible. Think about someone or something that you had a negative impression about before you got to know them or tried the thing out. As your opinion changed, you realized you...

Time to Deconstruct Me
Anything that makes us feel as uncomfortable as conflict makes most of us feel needs to be examined fully and challenged. Yes, I said that two blogs ago and it really is true though counter to our first inclination. If you are like me, your first inclination is to...

Women of Color are Gathering for a Worthy Pause
I was delivering workshops on meditation and stress management for over ten years. The places of need were middle class, upper middle class or wealthy. All wonderful people who were coming together to do something about their stress levels and the problems it was...

Time For Me To Come Clean About My Own Conflict Construct
So, it seems as if I broke my own rule. You see, I always pride myself as a facilitator who never asks her audience to do anything I wouldn’t do. In my last two blogs, I asked you to take some major steps in doing your own personal work on conflict. This work is...