Relationships, Relationships, Relationships!
A behind the scenes look. I posted something on social media recently that tugged at a lot of hearts. You know me, I am big on us getting better at being in relationship with each other in every area of our lives. That means home, work, school, religious institutions,...

The Body Speaks – Are You Listening?
I wasn't. Her body language said so much. I could see the discomfort long before it was her turn to speak. Twisting uncomfortably in her chair, a frown appearing, disappearing and reappearing. I had the feeling that her palms were sweaty, eyes looking down a lot while...

Resolving Conflicts Easier: 3 Simple Ways to Build Relationships That Many People Miss
No matter what conflicts arise, I try to build or maintain relationships as a primary goal. Yesterday on my way to the airport, I had to stop at the ATM at my neighborhood TD Bank. Now, I always leave plenty of time (try to reduce the amount of unnecessary conflict),...

Loving Yourself Is a Way Out of Fear
Let me talk to parents a moment here. “To fear is one thing. To let fear grab you by the tail and swing you around is another.” - Katherine Paterson, author children’s novels Fear Wears Many Disguises Fear is a very strong motivator. It’s an invisible accomplice in...

How To Really Say NO and Keep Saying It
During my childhood, I was a ridiculous fan of musicals. I still love them. I used to watch all kinds of them over and over again whenever they were on. My sister and I learned all the words to almost every song. One of my favorite musicals was Oklahoma. The songs are...