Black Lives Matter
I wanted to write something profound and eloquent. But all I can say is... In Pain, Lynne If you want to do the work with me, I am starting another session of my group for White people who would like real leadership, guidance, knowledge and calling you in to...

We All Need Somebody To Lean On
Mental health awareness is more than a week. My teenage son woke up a few weeks ago and said “You know who I am praying for? I am praying for the people who are dealing with depression and anxiety. I know how hard it was for me when I was depressed to be...

Racism Will Outlast Covid19
Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor, two names you should know. These two murders made it through the Coronavirus media onslaught only to land on us as a reminder that long after the corona crisis is gone, racism will still be alive and thriving in America. The message...

It’s Time To Have Meaningful Conversations
Is it just me or has anybody else noticed that on any given day there is very little meaningful conversations going on? Before sheltering in you would walk out your door and see a neighbor and you would say, "Hi, how are you?" They reply, "Fine, how are you?" And you...

What Lies Beneath Is Fear In Many Disguises
A good friend and colleague was telling me about some of the nastiness that she has been exposed to on social media during a time when many of us are finding more love and appreciation for those who have been traditionally overlooked or taken for granted. When she...