What Now?

What Now?

Time to Surrender   OOhhhh, this thing we call Life is challenging the life out of us. So many things are coming against us and any one of them has the potential to break us, in fact, it has already done that to far too many of us. Plans for our life, our work...

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The Power of Connection

The Power of Connection

OTMR Live Makes a Difference! You could never have told me ahead of time what a difference our On The Matter of Race Live Conference Experience would make in the lives of everyone who attended and everyone who met us.  To receive the ultimate compliment from the...

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A Lifeline In the Sea Of Conflict

A Lifeline In the Sea Of Conflict

Why we can still hope   It is some rough seas out here ya'll and a lot of darkness. It saddens me that too many of us are losing hope that things will ever turn around for good. I understand, but things don't just turn around. You have to Make Change Happen. And...

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Mastering the breath and other relaxation techniques   The breath is powerful. It can help us center ourselves, control our emotions and even lower our stress and blood pressure. There’s a lot going on folks, so I am taking a lot more time to breathe and relax. I...

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