Finding our own answers

Five years ago, I had no idea that the answer to a question that I quickly and vehemently responded “NO” to would lead to this.

Two women who knew nothing about systemic racism but were for the first time in their lives, involved in friendships with People of Color earnestly asked me if I would be willing to start a program to teach them and other White people like them about racism.

Obviously, my NO turned to a Yes, with lots of questions and reluctance, but I knew I was supposed to do it. Here we are five years later going strong, about to start our newest On the Matter of Race Level 1 group in two weeks with 5 other groups at different levels onboard as well.

The impact has been life-changing for all of us and many questions have received answers along the way and there are still more waiting for us.

Some of those questions:

Will they come? Do White people honestly want to commit to learning about systemic racism and doing something about it as allies and comrades?

Are all of us involved willing to be deeply vulnerable in order to dig into and undo the ugliness that has been taught?

What path next?

What level of learning will they be willing to explore and commit to?

How will these groups that are now a community/family come together?

This last one was a complete unknown until last year when we had our first in-person On The Matter Of Race Conference in historic Washington DC. They came!!!

Now today, we are days out from our second annual conference and even more will be coming!!!

As the creator of OTMR, I am being divinely and ancestrally guided to my own answers for every next step.

There are hard questions before us in this mess that has been created in the world. I do not pretend to have all the answers, but I know one is ACTION!

We are taking major action in love. Every step is chosen in the best wisdom that I can discern from God and the ancestors.

Today, I am asking that whatever your beliefs are that you hold our conference experience in prayer, shine light, keep good thoughts, send love, take your own action with regard to dismantling racism, or if you know that you should be on this Level 1 journey with us, email me RIGHT NOW and let me know.

We are doing our part to make it a better informed, more equitable and loving world.

Excited to gather at this conference experience with all who have responded YES!

In Love,
Dr. Lynne

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